Büro Destruct - Smelly (Inflatable)
CHF12.00 – CHF20.00Approximate price/umgerechnet in
USD 13.60/EUR 12.90
Aufblasbare Puppe des Büro Destruct Maskottchens "Smelly". Mit Reparatur Kit. Wird ohne Luft geliefert. Dimensionen (aufgeblasen): Höhe: 31cm, Breite: 75cm, Tiefe: 21cm.
Das Stinktier "Smelly" ist sowas wie das Maskottchen von Büro Destruct. Aufgrund der Körperpflege ist es zu empfehlen, Smelly ab und zu ins Freibad oder zumindest in die Dusche mitzunehmen!
Smelly is inflatable and then measures 310 mm x 750 mm x 210 mm. Caution: Delivered without air (while blowing it up, gently compress the valve and blow hard).
Skunk Smelly has become somewhat of a mascot for Büro Destruct. In the interest of cleanliness we advise to occasionally take Smelly to the swimming pool or at least the shower. Character-design by Büro Destruct.
Büro Destruct (*1994) is a renowned graphic-design-collective from Berne/Switzerland. The most important areas of Büro Destruct’s activities are visualisations of corporate identities, logos and the development of new fonts. In 2002 Büro Destruct founded the subsidiary company Büro Discount in Zurich/Switzerland.
File under: Buro Destruct, Toys, Character Design, Urban, Children, Kids, Bestseller, Blow Up, Waterproof